With the arrival of summer and the rise in temperatures, the sun shines more intensely and it is more common to spend more time in the heat. For this reason, from Chic&Love Wellness we want to emphasize the change of season and arrival of the Sun: negative effects and how to avoid them. We tend to be very careful with the skin , but we forget about areas of the body that must be defended against the harmful effects of the sun, such as hair and scalp .
The vitamin D provided by the Sun is essential for the absorption of calcium in the hair and also stimulates blood circulation in the vessels that supply blood to the scalp, making hair grow faster.
But just as the Sun brings benefits, excessive exposure to the Sun brings with it its consequences . The main one is that the hair burns, dehydrates and loses flexibility. The scalp becomes dry and irritated. For people with dyed hair, the sun oxidizes and deteriorates both natural and artificial pigments.
The longer the exposure, the worse the effects.
To prevent all the consequences of excessive sun exposure, the recommendation is simple: protect your hair .
The key is to deeply nourish it with moisturizing products that restore lost hydration to the hair and scalp, such as: shampoos, conditioners, masks, as well as putting yourself in the hands of professionals, without forgetting internal hydration , ingesting a minimum of one and a half liters of water, avoid subjecting it to high temperatures with dryers and, above all, guarantee the body the essential nutrients for its optimal state through nutricosmetics that nourish the hair from the inside with visible results from the outside such as our HAIR&NAILS formula or our 360º HAIR vials FORMULA .
You have to respect the worst hours of sun, being the strongest hours from 12 to 16 and for this it is advisable to use products with UVA, UVB filters and other protective agents. Also, use caps and hats as physical barriers, especially for chemically treated hair, or with very dry or depopulated hair.
It is important to dedicate time to hair care, especially with the change of season and the arrival of high temperatures. Your hair health will thank you.