Do you find it difficult to maintain a consistent exercise routine? There are several tricks that can help you stay active and be constant in your workouts: get accessories like our set of bangles that motivate you to train, maximizing the results of each exercise ; start with boards that don't take up a lot of time, gradually accustoming your body, etc.
At Chic&Love we want to help you get the best version of yourself by maintaining your fitness routine and, for this reason, we bring you 3 exercises to train with our bangles so that you notice the results much faster:
1. Jump Squats:
Squats are a perfect physical exercise to strengthen the muscles of the legs and strengthen the tendons and, incidentally, tone the buttocks and the area of the cartridge belts. Simply put our bangles on your ankles, open your legs to shoulder width and bring your hands together or stretch your arms at a 90 degree angle. When you go down, keep your buttocks back as if you were going to sit on an imaginary chair and do a little jump. You should try to keep your back upright at all times and avoid leaning too far forward. When you go down, breathe in, it will be easier for you to go down and keep your back straight.
2. Glute kick:
This exercise is perfect for toning the buttocks and legs. Put the bangles on your ankles and get into a quadrupedal position. Powerfully push one leg back and return to starting position. For the movement to be truly effective, it is important that the core (abdominal and lower back) remain straight and tense throughout. Do 3 repetitions and repeat 20 times with each leg.
3. Squat + knee:
There are different versions of the squat and one of them is raising the knees to enhance the intensity of the exercise. With the bangles well placed at the ankles, open your legs to the width of your shoulders and bring your hands together elbow-width apart. When you go down, keep your buttocks back as if you were going to sit on an imaginary chair and when you get up, raise your knee to the level of your elbows.